- Cold roast turkey meat, chunkily shredded with your hands
- Dried cranberries
- Cooked quinoa (or any other grain/pulse/legume)
- Any leftover roasted root veg (sweet potato/pumpkin)
- Shallots/Spring onions
- Rocket leaves
- Chive flowers/onion flowers/other edible flowers (if you can find them!)
- Olive oil (a good local one with a fruity finish would be perfect)
- Lemon zest
- Cranberry juice, hot
- Salt and pepper
Don’t drop the turkey salad
Rehydrate the cranberries in hot cranberry juice, allow the mix to cool
Combine all ingredients except for olive oil, flowers & rocket (including a dash of the rehydrating juice) in a bowl
Toss through rocket & olive oil for each serve, top with edible flowers.
Watch the video of Alice cooking this dish here.
Tips and Tricks
This recipe is all about using what’s to hand, so don’t stress about quantities – taste as you go and experiment with different flavours depending on your mood and your cupboard’s content.
Turkey can easily dry out in your fridge. Make sure to store in an airtight container and when it comes to reusing, shred and dress generously to bring new life to day old turkey.
Quinoa is one great to keep in stock in your pantry. Hugely versatile, it can easily be mixed both with meat and vegetable leftovers to create a whole new meal: think salads, soups and stews.