A SecondBite of the food system apple
Food rescue not-for-profit SecondBite discuss how and why 5% of Australians experience personal 'food insecurity' - those who lack access to safe, nutritious food from a non-emergency source.
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Are we running out of water?
The Stockholm International Water Institute have recently released some useful facts and figures about our not so sustainable use of water in agriculture.
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Where do we go from here?
There are many solutions available in the push to establish global food security. In this post, Julian Cribb outlines the four key solutions that are available right now.
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Food wars: the worst is still to come
Modern wars are often driven by scarcities of food, land and water. Dafour, Rwanda, Eritrea, the Balkans were all destabilized, at root, by squabbles over these resources.
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But where did all the research go?
Farmers are going to have to accomplish a miracle using less science and technology.
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