I’m a cookbook writer who is passionate about encouraging people to cook more on a daily basis; and to show that despite the busy lives we all lead, it’s possible to cook fresh, seasonal, locally-grown food, and make sustainable food choices.
Gosh, there are so many, however high on my list is factory farming of animals, and the cruel conditions under which they live and often die. As meat-eaters, I think we need to acknowledge that animals are killed to feed us, and that we should honour them by making sure they lead healthy, contented lives, and are given a humane death. Feedlots and factory farms have no place in a compassionate society.
I wish that we would all question where our food comes from, and make sustainable food choices…and cook more too!
I’d have to say my veggie garden and fruit trees, and regularly shopping at my local farmers market. I’m lucky that we live in the country and have a weekly growers market so I’m able to buy most of what we eat there – all grown locally, and much of it organic. However, the wonderful thing is that more and more farmers markets are springing up in cities now, and if we support them, more will spring up, and we shall become more sustainable.
A loaf of good sourdough bread, fresh butter, ripe tomatoes, and a sprinkle of sea salt.
The great thing is we can all be involved by thinking about the food choices we make, and when we’re shopping, asking ourselves questions such as, where does it come from? Is it in season? Is it made from local or imported ingredients? How much do I need? In the case of the meat and eggs we purchase, have the animals been treated humanely? When we buy fish, ask if it’s farmed sustainably. The more of us that do this, and the more often we do it, the more things can change.

Coconut chicken with spicy cucumber ribbons
The marinade for this scrumptious dish only takes a few minutes to make, then all you need do is pop the chicken into it the night before you need it.
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Salt-baked potatoes with guacamole
These simply-cooked potatoes have become my summer holiday staple as they need little effort to make and taste terrific.
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Crisp haloumi with roasted pumpkin and sweet red pepper salad
This vibrant salad is quite substantial and satisfying, needing only a loaf of good bread to mop up the dressing.
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Crunchy, healthy tuna, rice, dill and egg salad
This refreshing, energy-boosting salad is packed with flavour and perfect for a warm night. I’m happy to eat it just as is, but occasionally I’ll tear up rocket leaves to mix through it, along with slices of avocado.
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Spice-coated flathead fillets
Flathead is such a lovely eating fish - sweet, white, moist, and not at all ‘fishy’. This is terrific served with mashed potatoes and a simple green salad.
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