Ethical shopping at the supermarket: meat & poultry
Author | Natalie Penn & Debbie Kertesz, Consume with Care
At Consume with Care we aim to make ethical shopping and eating easy and we’re always open to your feedback on how we can improve what we do.
Many people have asked us for more specific information about which brands of meat and poultry they should look for in the supermarket. You have spoken our fellow conscious consumers and we are listening!
The following is a list of higher animal welfare products available in the major supermarkets and other large grocery stores. All of these brands are either certified organic or accredited free range, which means producers must comply with a set of standards and are audited on a regular basis to ensure they do.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of all higher animal welfare meat and poultry available in Australia. There are many small-scale farmers who are producing higher welfare animal products available through butchers, famers markets and online. We hope you will continue to support these producers.
This blog piece originally appeared on