Animals Australia is Australia’s foremost national animal protection organisation, representing some 40 member societies and hundreds of thousands of individual supporters. We have an unprecedented track record in investigating and exposing animal cruelty and for conducting world-first strategic public awareness campaigns.
Animals Australia’s vision is a world where all animals are treated with compassion and respect and are free from cruelty. We believe that we can create a kinder world for all by fostering respect for animals and that our treatment of animals reflects who we are as individuals and as a society.
Factory farming – it is the number one cause of animal cruelty in the world today. In Australia, hundreds of millions of animals are forced to endure lives of abject misery in factory farms each year — confined so severely they cannot express the most basic of natural behaviours. They are denied the same legal protection from acts of cruelty as our pets at home — purely for commercial reasons. In factory farms, the only measure of animal welfare considered valid is how much the animals can produce; whether it is meat, milk or eggs. The lived experience or quality of life of factory farmed animals is deemed to be of no consequence.
A future free from the cruelty of factory farming. A world where all animals have quality of life and protection from cruel treatment.
As an organisation we are always looking for ways to reduce our environmental footprint, including: moving to cotton, organic shopping bags; ensuring all office supplies including pens are made from sustainable, recycled products; recycling in our own office, including ink cartridges; purchasing fair trade products where possible including our delicious chocolate range; printing our campaign flyers on recycled paper and in vegetable ink; and all our t-shirts are made in Australia.
You can support our work in a number of ways, including:
- By joining the Animals Australia Action Network;
- Signing up to receive our e-updates;
- Following us on Facebook and Twitter;
- Spreading the word among family and friends; and
- Donating to support our critical campaigns and investigations.

Make it Possible
Animals Australia asks us to imagine a world without factory farming.
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It's time for Coles and Woolworths to can the cage
On the first of January 2012 a ban on the barren battery cage took effect across the whole European Union. What should Australia be doing in response? Far more, argues Animals Australia.
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Which companies and brands test on animals?
Many people are surprised to learn that lots of the big name products on our supermarket shelves and in our department store cosmetic counters have been tested on animals.
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