Brasserie Bread aims to be a premium Bakery Company specialising in award winning artisan baked products including sourdough breads, pastries and biscuits using traditional methods. The provenance of our ingredients is highly valued and we use organic wherever possible.
Our customers include both the consumer and professional markets and we will supply 365 days per year to ensure our products are the freshest possible.
Our competitive edge includes superior IT and logistics systems that ensure the customers receive exactly what they order on time. We aim to be a responsible company responding to community concerns in the environment in which we operate and an employer of choice for all staff. We will provide our shareholders with long term value for their investments.
Excessive waste and how to be effective in limiting it, and the introduction of GM wheat into the Australian wheat farming. It could destroy some of the best organic wheat in the world.
That we support and invest in our farmers, the care of our land and water and educate on the importance of access to healthy food for everyone. That the next generation, of our children, take more control of where their food comes from and the importance of been able to cook basic, healthy, tasty food for themselves, their families and friends….
The people they love and care about.
First is our unique education program for kids: we have around 800 kids per month being educated about healthy real bread and how bread is made properly. Second is the use of organic flour in all our sourdough bread, supporting a great growing industry in organic farming.
Help us expand networks that educate about good food. Come and visit us, buy our bread, attend our classes then go home and start baking bread using Kialla Organic flour, Murray River salt and Alto olive oil.

Crowd Farming at TEDxSydney
Unprecedented co-operation between charities, organisations, companies, local growers and normal everyday people in action at TEDxSydney 2013, showing just what can be achieved when a community comes together and work towards a common goal.
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From Starter to Finish
People are often surprised when they find out it takes three days to make a loaf of sourdough. This is due to the natural fermentation process and the time it takes to mix, hand mould and bake sourdough. So where do Brasserie Bread's artisan bakers start?
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Bread and Butter Pudding Challenge
OzHarvest rescued the equivalent of 20 bath tubs of thickened cream that would otherwise have been wasted, and with the help of Brasserie Bread bakers, used it to make 5000 bread and butter puddings that were served up for free for the public as part of a global United Nations campaign against food waste.
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