We’re Lainie Bracher and Melissa Dixon and we launched Meat Free Week, a national campaign designed to get you thinking and talking about the amount of meat you eat, where that meat comes from and to make the commitment to reduce your overall meat consumption (of all meat, including fish). Australians are amongst the biggest meat eaters in the world per capita and eat well above the recommended guidelines for optimum health. Eating this much meat has come at a cost to animal welfare, human health and our environment.
Lainie: The suffering of animals subjected to intensive farming (factory farming) due to our increasing desire for meat – more than half a million animals in Australia every year!
Melissa: Our ever increasing demand to eat meat and many people are unaware of the significant consequences to animals, human health and our planets resources. All of which could be improved if each of us made some changes to our diet, starting with reducing the amount of meat (and animal products) we eat.
That Australians see the ethical/moral, health and environmental benefits of reducing meat consumption (and animal derived products) and look for alternative food sources to meet their nutritional requirements. Let’s face it; “vegetables” should not be a dirty word!
Taking meat out of our diets. Enforcing a “no factory farmed meat” allowed in our homes. Shopping at local farmers markets. Planning meals to reduce food waste. Growing our own food is next on the list!
Anything cooked from “Vegies” by Simon Bryant.
Visit meatfreeweek.com and sign up for the 2014 Meat Free Week Challenge being held 24th – 30th March and like us on Facebook.

What is Meat Free Week?
Find out what Meat Free Week is all about, and why it's not just for vegetarians and environmentalists.
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