My friends call me Pepe – Buttermaker and Creator of “Pepe Saya Cultured Butter”

Education about food – this is the fundamental issue for me.

Governments on all levels in Australia getting behind real food and supporting good manufacturing, processing and farming practices

The core of my business is this: I buy my cream direct from the farmer at the full rate, supply to restaurants that would have otherwise bought imported butter, making enough money to pay my due – now that is sustainable!


Buy Australian, support the high street (Local community shops) and ask where the food is from and who made/ grew it. – That’s for a start!

Bread and Butter Pudding Challenge
OzHarvest rescued the equivalent of 20 bath tubs of thickened cream that would otherwise have been wasted, and with the help of Brasserie Bread bakers, used it to make 5000 bread and butter puddings that were served up for free for the public as part of a global United Nations campaign against food waste.
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Butter-maker Pierre Issa (Pepe Saya) is joined by restaurant entrepreneurs Alex Herbert (Bird, Cow, Fish) & Michael McEnearney (Kitchen by Mike) explaining how buttermilk is made.
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Pepe talks Local
Pepe gets excited about local produce featured in the kitchen of Executive Sous-Chef Julien Pouteau at the Intercontinential Sydney.
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