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  • Foodwise Articles  »  Animal Welfare


    Ethical shopping at the supermarket: meat & poultry

    Making ethical decisions at the supermarket can be a minefield. Consumer blog, Consume with Care, hand on their words of wisdom about picking products with animal welfare in mind.
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    Animal Welfare Features , ,

    Make it Possible

    Animals Australia asks us to imagine a world without factory farming.
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    Animal Welfare Features , ,
    Pasture raised chickens feeding

    It’s time for Coles and Woolworths to can the cage

    On the first of January 2012 a ban on the barren battery cage took effect across the whole European Union. What should Australia be doing in response? Far more, argues Animals Australia.
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    Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare Features ,
    soymilk THUMBNAIL

    The dark side of dairy

    Getting the milk from a dairy cow to your coffee, smoothie or cereal bowl is more a complicated business than many of us know. Animals Australia shine some light on what happens beyond your milk carton.
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    Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare Features ,

    Making kinder choices in the egg aisle

    The egg isle is a notoriously confusing place. Here Animals Australia attempt to demystify our egg production systems, helping you make a more truly informed choice.
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    Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare Tool kit , ,

    Opening the can on tuna

    Making better decisions in the tuna isle need not be a hair tearing experience, so long as you have the right tools at your disposal.
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    Sustainable Fish, Sustainable Fish Tool kit , ,

    There’s nothing black and white about organic agriculture

    Feeding the world today does not depend on the total quantity of food produced, but rather the location of it's production and it's cost.
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    Organic Food, Organic Food Features , , ,