It’s food security, stupid
Is this the end of pasta? Leon Gettler talks food security, CSG and why some of our favourite foods might be going down the gurgler.
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Where do we go from here?
There are many solutions available in the push to establish global food security. In this post, Julian Cribb outlines the four key solutions that are available right now.
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Food wars: the worst is still to come
Modern wars are often driven by scarcities of food, land and water. Dafour, Rwanda, Eritrea, the Balkans were all destabilized, at root, by squabbles over these resources.
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But where did all the research go?
Farmers are going to have to accomplish a miracle using less science and technology.
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“Ecological Overshoot”, our silver bullet
The UK's Hadley Centre projects that drought could regularly affect 40 per cent of the planet's land area by the end of this century.
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A time bomb under the sea
Lying in wait for us is a marine timebomb. According to Canadian scientist Boris Worm and colleagues, 29 per cent of world fisheries are in a state of collapse.
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Food and energy: partners in crisis
Peak oil has already happened in the United States, in Australia, Britain and in 49 out of 65 of the world's oil producing regions. Yet 51 million new cars continue to hit the world's roads every year.
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Medicating for our nutrient haemorrhage
The world is haemorrhaging nutrients at every link in the chain between farm and fork. On farm it appears anything up to half of applied nutrients can be lost into soil, water and the environment.
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Our farmlands are shrinking
Today almost a quarter of the world's farm land is affected by serious degradation (FAO 2008), up from 15% two decades ago.
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Water-proofing our food supply
By 2050, 7-8 billion people will inhabit the world's cities. They will use about 2800 cubic kilometres of fresh water - more than the whole of irrigation agriculture uses worldwide today.
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600 quadrillion calories-a-day and counting
The central issue in the human destiny in the coming half century is not climate change or the global financial crisis but the global food crisis.
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